Therefore, instead vibratory patterns are established by interpreting the character from the Sign position, and the circumstances of life from the Houses and their occupants and rulers. However, many people will not know their birth time, knowing only their date of birth. The usual starting point to number the Houses from is the Ascendant, which of course is different for everyone. So it is by choice and through trial and error that each person learning Astrology will eventually choose which House division suits them best, and more importantly which one they feel gives them the most accurate results. The variation of the systems may be more easily understood if it is realised that as the centuries have gone by, man has learnt more about the ways of measuring the Earth and the positions of the bodies as seen in the sky. Yet there are various House systems determining a variety of ways to interpret a Natal birth chart. There are twelve because this is the closest possible approximation to the natural number of months in a Solar year. Just as twelve Signs form the basis of the Zodiac, twelve Houses too are contained within a Natal chart.